Participation Beyond Trinity
Trinity participates in several local and international mission initiatives each year.
A few of these include:
Trinity knows that homelessness and youth homelessness affect suburban youth in Woodbury. We partner with the Woodbury area school district homeless liaison to assemble and provide homeless care bags to be distributed to youth in need.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Trinity supports Jeff and Christi Boyd who are mission co-workers based in the Democratic Republic of Congo serving as Regional Liaison (Jeff) and Regional Facilitator for Women’s and Children’s Interests (Christi). To learn more about their ministry in The Dem. Rep. of Congo, click here:
Lima, Peru
To learn more about Jed and Jenny Koball and their mission work in Peru, click here: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/the-rev-jed-and-jenny-koball/
Christian Cupboard and Joseph’s Coat
Both are supported through food and clothing drives as well as volunteering.