Participation Within Trinity
Building & Grounds Ministry Team
Oversees property and building, providing for safety, maintenance, supervises custodian work.
Christian Education Ministry Team
Provides for the Christian education and spiritual formation of Trinity members.
Community Outreach & Communication Ministry Team
Coordinates special community life events such as speakers, retreats, social gatherings, etc. Provides outreach through publicity, community events, greeter training, visitor follow-up and new member connections.
Mission & Action Ministry Team
Oversees the mission partners of Trinity by communicating with them, educating the congregation, sending financial support, encouraging prayer support, coordinating events and fundraisers to educate and involve the congregation.
Generosity & Finance Ministry Team
Oversees Trinity’s financial accounts, budget, mortgage and expenditures. Provides accountability for the work of the treasurer and financial secretary through an annual audit. Provides for a Stewardship Campaign, raising awareness and pledges for the following year.
Worship Ministry Team
Works with pastor and music staff to coordinate and plan special services, sanctuary décor and flowers, coordinate/train ushers, lay liturgists, communion servers.
Any member or friend of Trinity can serve on a committee as the spirit moves to serve the church and be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.