Trinity Presbyterian Church
Church Announcements for 9/20-9/27/24
(Information contained in the announcments is updated by Thursday at 5pm (prior to the earlier Friday date listed above).
To help you stay current with church news & information, please subscribe toTrinity's Friday Church News Blast. Contact the office to subscribe.
Sunday, September 22
Join Trinity in welcoming back
Rev. David Stewart
In person only & Youtube
11AM -Fellowship
Pastor April out of Town, 9/21-9/25
Pastor April will be traveling to Charlotte, N.C. to attend a meeting on Committee on Theological Education. She will be back inthe office on Thursday, 9/26. Safe Travels!
9/21 - Fall Clean Up (Cherish Our Church)
Join us on Saturday, 9/21 for a fall clean up at Trinity! We will tidy up the church grounds and there will be jobs for all ages and abilities. Please bring a water bottle and perhaps wear sunscreen or a hat. Triinity will provide donuts and coffee for everyone at the church. We hope to see you! Thank you to our amazing volunteers. We could not do it without YOU!!! The rain out date is Sat., Oct. 5th.
10/6 - Join Trinity for October Birthday Bagels
Join Trinity for 11AM fellowship on Sunday, 10/6, to recognize Trinity’s October birthdays. We will meet in the fellowship hall at approximately 11AM. To all parents of pre-k through grade 12: Please submit all birthdates for the youth in your household. Please include current age & school grade as of this fall for the purposes of educational planning.
11/10 - Pledge Promise Sunday and Potluck Fellowship
oin Trinity for Generosity Pledge, Promise Sunday on Sun., 11/10. After the worship service we will enjoy fellowship time together with a potluck meal. Please bring a dish to share. Hope to see you!
11/4 - Service of reconciliation, Healing & wholeness
Service of Reconciliation MON, NOV. 4 @ 7 p.m. In recognition of the stressful climate around us, Trinity will offer a Service of Reconciliation on Monday November 4th at 7 p.m. The service will be a space of contemplation, prayer, and reflection.
Sun., 10/20 - Third Sundays, Sunday School (12 sessions)
1x per month (Volunteer teachers needed each month)
The curriculum highlights biblical stories of joining God at work in the world from the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. It is designed to draw children into conversation with biblical stories, showing them what God is doing, and inviting them to consider how to join in that work.
Each lesson highlights a particular biblical story and provides opportunities to focus on hearing and reflecting on the story with open-ended questions, creating meaningful art, sharing in an interactive activity based on the story, and providing an opportunity to share God’s love.
Sunday School Volunteers ARE GREATLY needed: Pick a Sunday that works for you! The classes will meet one time per month (2 volunteers needed for each class session) There will be 12 total classes. A sign up sheet is located in the office. The lesson material will be provided to you. Thank you for helping everyone! This wonderful opportunity to engage with our hopeful & faithfilled youth. The lessons are described below...
Sunday School Volunteer Teachers:
Sept 15: 1. JUDE A. 2. Eyana M. & Tove
Oct. 20: 1. open 2. open
Nov. 17: 1. Miriam J. 2. open
Dec. 15: 1. open 2. open
Jan. - Aug: open
Oct 20th: Genesis 21:5-21: God’s Love for Hagar and Ishmael
Nov. 17th: Genesis 28:10-19: The Place God Was In (Teaching: Miriam & ?)
Dec. 15th: Numbers 27:1-11: Five Daughters Demand to be Included
Families and volunteers, please contact Pastor April if you have any questions. Thank you.
SUN, 10/6: Combined Worship Service
Join us for a combined worship service with North Presbyterian this World Communion Sunday. Trinity will also extend to you the Peace & Global Witness Special Offering. Look for the orange envelopes. After the service, please join us in the fellowship hall to recognize our Oct. birthdays with bagels & cream cheese!
Let's Fill Our Front Pews!
Ah, the back pews—those cozy little nooks of solitude! You might have noticed they’re roped off. That's because we are on a mission to fill the front seating area in our sanctuary, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere that truly reflects the warm community spirit of Trinity Presbyterian Church. Imagine the joyful sight of families sitting together up front, showcasing our united congregation during worship! Not only does this enhance our visibility on our YouTube stream, but it also fosters a deeper sense of belonging and connection among us all. So, let’s make it a delightful habit to gather in the front pews, turning our worship into a lively celebration of faith and fellowship. Together, we can make Trinity Presbyterian Church the inviting and spirited place we all love!
Share your faith story (For Oct) 1 Opening 10/27!
Step into the spotlight...and share your faith story in OCT! Trinity warmly invites you to take part in a beautiful opportunity to Share Your Faith Story. On Sunday, October 27th, we encourage you to step into the spotlight for a brief 3-5 minute sharing of your personal journey of faith during our worship services. This initiative is not just a chance to speak; it’s a way to connect with our community and inspire one another as we grow spiritually together. We have 1 open slot available for you to sign up on the clipboard in the office, and if you're feeling a bit unsure about where to start, don’t worry—guidance questions are available to help you craft your story. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Pastor April with any questions you may have. Let’s come together to share, support, and uplift one another in our faith journeys; your story could be the encouragement someone else needs!
Faith Story Sunday, Sept 29th: (Only 2 speakers on this date)
Rev. Bill Peak
Pastor April
Faith Story Sunday, Oct 27th:
Don Breckle
Barb Freeman
9/21 - Fall Clean Up! aka: Cherish Our Church, SAT. 9/21. Meet at 9AM. Donuts/coffee provided!
9/21 - Mens Breakfast, 8-930AM
9/22 - 10AM Worship (David Steward Preaching) No SSF Today.
9/25 - Choir Rehearsal 7PM tonight.
9/26 - Session Meets at 7PM.
9/28 - Rita T. - Condominium Association Meeting in Fellowship Hall, 8am-12noon.
9/29 - 10AM Sunday Worship with Sharing Your Faith Stories (3 volunteers still needed)
9/29 - 1PM Stonecrest Senior Living Worship Service
10/2 - Choir Rehearsal Resumes. 7PM tonight.
10/6 - 10AM Combined worship with North Presbyterian Church. It is World Communion Sunday and Trinity will have the Peace and Global Witness Offering, Fellowship: Celebrating October birthdays w/birthday bagels & cream cheese.
10/8 - Deacon Meeting 10AM
10/9 - Choir Rehearsal at 7PM tonight.
10/10 - Ladies Lunch at 1130AM, Northern Taphouse. RSVPS: by 10/6 to Susan R. or Jane W. 10/10 - Committees meetings, 6 & 7PM
10/13 - 10AM Worship, SSF resumes today at 11AM!
10/16 - Choir Rehearsal at 7PM tonight.
10/20 - 10AM Sunday Worship, Roderick Oji preaching, Sunday School lesson #2: Genesis 21:5-21: God’s Love for Hagar and Ishmael, 11AM ACLO (See Brad W.)
10/23 - Choir Rehearsal at 7PM tonight.
10/24 - Stated Session Meeting at 7PM
10/27 - 10AM Sunday Worship with Sharing Your Faith Stories. SSF meets at 11:15am.
10/27 - Sunday - Trunk or Treat (Food Drive) from 1-3PM, Sign up to pass out halloween treats.
10/30 - Choir Rehearsal at 7PM tonight.
11/3 - Roderick Oji Preaching. Communion moved to 1010/6 - Choir Rehearsal, 7PM tonight.
11/4 - Reconciliation Service on Monday eve at 7PM - A Healing & Wholeness Service
11/10 - 10AM Pledge/Promise Sunday w/communion, Potluck Fellowship to follow. SSF meets.
11/17 - 10AM Sunday Worship, Sunday School lesson #3 (Teaching: Miriam & ?) meets immediately following Childrens Message with Genesis 28:10-19: The Place God Was In, ACLO meets at 11am (look for Brad W.)
11/24 - 10AM Worship (Christ the King/Reign of Christ)
SSF / Sunday Soul FeasT: The Book of Confessions, Resumes 10/13
Sunday Soul Feast will be on hold until Sunday, 10/13. Plan to resume/meet on the 13th. The Book of Confessions can be accessed through the link in the Friday Blast. This discussion group meets on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. We meet at approximately 11:15AM. All are invited to attend. There is no preparation necessary. We hope to see you. Please contact Pastor April if you have
Name Tag Reminder:
Reminder: Help us greet each other by name by wearing your name tag. Please wear your Trinity name tag when in the building. If you need a name tag, or have misplaced yours, please let the office know.
Holidays! ChristmaS Gifts! Raise Right Order to be Placed 12/2!
Gift cards are wonderful gifts. Be sure to place your order in plenty of time for the holidays. Orders Due Monday, Dec. 2nd.
Visiting Preachers:
Preaching on Sunday, 9/22, David Stewart
Preaching on Sunday, 10/20, Roderick Oji
Preaching on Sunday, 11/3, Roderick Oji. Communion moved to 11/10.
groups that meet at trinity:
Youth Martial Arts Lessons: Mon. Evenings 415-715PM and Sat.afternoons 1230-2-15PM (hours are subject to change as their schedule fluctuates and is not always the same times. Martial arts meets in the fellowship hall.
Rubenstein Piano Lessons: Mon-Thur afternoon/evenings (schedule fluctuates) Currently on break. Lessons will resume in Sept.
Yoga Classes on Tuesdays: 5:45-7:15pm (fellowship hall)
Trinity Choir and Trinity Bells: Trinity's Bell Choir and Vocal Choir rehearsals have resumed!Please defer to communications with Choir Director, Neal Strand for the upcoming Rehearsal Schedule. Rehearsals are generally scheduled for Wed. evenings: Bells at 6pm & Vocal Choir at 7pm.
1PM Stonecrest Senior Living worship Service
Every 5th Sunday, Trinity brings a worship team directly to Stoncrest Senior Living. If you are a resident, join us at 1pm for worship, music, prayer and singing. Sept. 29 is the next Stoncrest worship service.
Trinity Meetings
CCMT/Deacon Meeting: Meets 10/8, 10AM. (CCMT/Deacons meet every other even month at 10am).
Committees Meeting: 10/10, 6 & 7 PM ***Meeting minutes are always due by the Monday following your meeting.
Stated Session Meeting: 9/26 at 7PM.
OCT. LUNCH BUNCH - Thur.,Northern Taphouse, 10/10, 11:30AM
Lunch Bunch RSVP by 9/8, to Susan Rooney or Jane Williams. All of the women of Trinity are invited to Ladies Lunch Bunch. The group meets on the 2nd Thursday each month at 11:30am at a nearby restaurant.
Men's Breakfast- 1st & 3rd Saturdays!
All men of Trinity are invited to men's breakfast in Trinity's fellowship hall on the 1st and the 3rd Saturdays each month. The hours are 8-9:30 am. Please let Tom Rooney know if you are interested or if you have questions.
Trinity QR Code For Giving
You can now give to Trinity Presbyterian Church by using Trinity’s QR Code! Either scan the barcode with your smartphone or scan it with "QR Code Reader" (phone application). It's convenient, secure and fast. You can go to the giving page on the website to learn more. Thank you.
trinity's visitor/Welcome bags
Did you know that Trinity has welcome bags to present to visitors on Sundays? If you notice a new face or new family, please present them with a welcome bag from the cupboard in the office. The cupboard is labled "Visitor Bags"
Visit Trinity on instagram & Faceb00k!
Visit Trinity on instagram: TrinityPresWoodburyMN and on Facebook!
Next Game night: Friday, OCT 11, 7pm
Join your Trinity friends for Game Night FUN! Game night is generally the 2nd Friday of the month (unless otherwise announced). If you have a favorite game, suggest it or simply bring it along to the gathering! Gather at the Freeman or Hoekstra home. Contact Brad W. with questions.
Let Your light shine! Join the CCMT(care team)/Deacons
Hello from your Deacons and Care Partners! Have you considered how you might be helpful at Trinity? At the same time have you been reluctant to volunteer because you are not able to commit to something long-term? Let's talk! We are looking for members to serve as Care Partners, often on a one-time basis. James 1:17 tells us every gift is from God. We all have different talents and God-given gifts. They are all important and can be used to serve God’s kingdom.For more information speak with one us; Kathie Wilkinson, Jane Willison, Jane Williams, Gayle Strand, Katharine Upson, and Trinity's newest CCMT's; Miriam Johnson and Althea Hofer! You will hear more about Miriam and Althea in upcoming Pathways newsletters. Stay tuned! If interested, contact one of us. We would love to share the possibilities with you! Let your light shine!
-Your Trinity Deacons & Care Partners (CCMT)
Kathie Wilkinson, Jane Willison, Althea Hofer, Miriam Johnson, Gayle Strand and Katharine Upson
Are you getting Trinity's Church text alerts? Trinity texts all congregants 2x per month with important reminders. If you have not told Trinity to add your phone #, you are not yet on the list. Contact the office to sign up!
Subscribe to the Friday News Blast
Trinity emails congregants every Friday with important reminders. If you have not directly subscribed to the Blast, you are not yet on the email list. Contact the office to sign up the email address that you would like to authorize the church to send it to.
TRUNK OR TREAT 2024 (Candy & Caring) is Back on sun, 10/27
Get ready for TRUNK OR TREAT (a delightful blend of Candy & Caring) as we bring our community together once again to support our local food shelf! This joyful event invites children and families to join in the fun by donating food items for entry, creating a spirit of giving that warms the heart.
You can elevate the excitement by hosting a treat station, showcasing your creativity with festive trunk decorations or dressing up in whimsical costumes—let your imagination run wild! We envision a vibrant gathering filled with laughter and shared experiences, and we would love to see at least 15 enthusiastic volunteers helping to hand out treats, making this event truly unforgettable.
Mark your calendars for this sweet celebration! Together, let’s create cherished memories rooted in faith, love, and community spirit. More details will be coming your way in September, so stay tuned for the chance to be a part of this heartwarming occasion! Together, we will make "sweet" memories for all.
congregational DIRECTORY
Trinity updates the contacts in the directory as changes come in, but prints new copies and uploads updates every month or so. If you have any household updates, or would like to submit a directory photo, please contact the church office. Note: The information in the directory is for Trinity family usage only. All listings in the directory are there for your convenience. Not every listing is that of an official "member," as some are regular attendees, frequent visitors or even relatives of the congregation. Please contact the office with your current info. Thank you. Feel free to contact the office at any time to verify a current address within your printed directory. Copies are available in the office.