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Caring for Others


Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know has specific pastoral care needs, would like prayer before surgery, a visit from Pastor April or a deacon, or just want someone to listen, please contact Pastor April at 651.738.0045 or email at 


Prayer Chain
If you would like to make a prayer request or would like to be a member of the prayer chain, please contact


Prayer Shawl

The Prayer Shawl Ministry knits, crochets, or quilts items to be given to anyone who

needs a "hug from God". Each item made is prayed over and then blessed by the congregation.  

Throughout the ages, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance.

In this ministry, they have become symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, GOD. We use the term “A HUG FROM GOD”…who do you know who can use a hug

from God? They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, and beautify.


Funeral Assistance Volunteers
Funeral Assistance Volunteers provide baked goods, assist with serving funeral receptions, or usher during funeral services. Contact


Transportation Ministry
Volunteers provide transportation to worship or other church events, or are available to deliver meals upon occasion. Contact 

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